My Journey - From Clinical Psychology to Data Science

Columbia campus in 2019. Photo credit: Yama Chang

My story isn’t a conventional one. It does not follow the traditional path of computer science degrees and tech internships often associated with a career in data science. Instead, my journey started thousands of miles away and in an entirely different field—clinical psychology.

In 2018, I moved to the U.S. to pursue a master’s degree at Columbia University, specializing in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Quantitative Methods. My interests were decidedly human-centric—mental health and anti-discrimination research—but my fascination with numbers and the stories they tell ran deep. Through this program, I could bridge my humanitarian interests with my quantitative inclinations, leading to an unusual but satisfying convergence.

However, the real turning point came when I enrolled in a Data Science course in Columbia’s Department of Biostatistics. As I learned to code using R, a world of possibilities unfurled before me. It was as though a puzzle piece had clicked into place, marking the first steps towards a career path intimately tied to data.

My original ambition had been to become a clinical psychologist, envisioning my future in the realm of academia. But the more I immersed myself in data, the more I began to see my unique niche. I found myself increasingly serving in independent data roles across various positions, blending my psychological insight with my newfound data skills.

Today, I am a data scientist at the Lab for Scalable Mental Health. Here, I bring my knowledge of data science to bear on multiple projects, particularly those involving the deployment of digital mental health tools. My work contributes to predicting the effectiveness of these tools in reducing mental health symptoms, an area of study I am deeply passionate about.

Reflecting on my journey, it may seem unconventional, even serendipitous. From a background in clinical psychology to a career in data science is not a common transition, yet it feels undeniably right. I have discovered a profound passion for data science and its limitless potential to effect change. As I stand on the brink of a new chapter—transitioning to the industry sector—I am eager for the opportunities to learn, grow, and refine my skills in this exciting field.

Indeed, my data journey is not a straight line—it is a rich tapestry woven from diverse experiences and a deep-seated passion for both the human and numerical worlds. I am excited about the future and all the data stories waiting to be discovered and told.

I am currently looking for opportunities as a data scientist in tech industry. If you think I am a good fit to your team/company, please feel free to get in touch via  I look forward to hearing from you!